Your book, your way.

For serious authors.

Self-publishing services, education and resources for non-fiction authors

Publish Central is a leader in offering self-publishing services in Australia. We’re more than just a service provider; we’re a dedicated partner for authors who are ready to take control of their publishing journey. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, we have the tools, resources, and expertise to guide you on your self-publishing journey. From editing and design to printing and distribution, we’ve got every aspect of the process covered.

We provide a wide range of self-publishing services, education, and resources and fully project manage your book journey from start to finish for all the services you require. With all of our packages, we will create and maintain your schedule to meet your deadlines, we will coordinate with all external suppliers such as printers, distributors and other providers, and we will always be available to answer questions and to chat by phone or online (and in person if you live in Melbourne).

There’s never been a better time to embrace self-publishing in Australia. As the publishing landscape continues to evolve, opportunities for new voices are emerging. At Publish Central, we’re excited to be part of your self-publishing journey. With our extensive experience, industry knowledge, and unwavering commitment to our authors’ success, we’re ready to help you take your book from a dream to a reality. Ready to start your self-publishing journey? Let’s write the next chapter together. Contact us today to get started. 

Self-publishing made easy

We’re your self-publishing partner. We care just as much as you do about producing an awesome book. We’re always here to help, both before and after your book is published. Self-publishing isn’t something you need to do alone. 

We’re the best in the business. We have decades of experience across all areas of publishing, working for and with all the major publishers in Australia. And you get the benefit of that experience for your book. We turn self-publishing from a struggle into a streamlined, professional endeavour. 

We love books. When we’re not working on books, we’re talking about books, reading books, buying books, sorting books, writing books, sharing books, and anything else you can think of that’s to do with books. This helps us become even more engaged in the self-publishing space. 

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Publish Central‘s Australian Business Book Awards recognise entrepreneurs, business people and business owners who have written and published a book demonstrating their skill, knowledge and experience in their industry.

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